The Sacrament of Confirmation is a Sacrament that completes Baptism, and which bestowes upon each candidate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In Confirmation we ask for God's spirit which is given under the signs of the imposition of hands and anointing with chrism.
Under these rituals we receive the strenght to be a witness to God's love in word and deed, and become full members of the Catholic Church.
Our Religious Education program is a two-year process for Catholic teens, 9th Grade and up.
Class Schedule: Sunday 11:15 am - 12:30 pm
Completed 2024-2025 Registration Form
Completed Registration Form & Fee
Copy of Baptismal and First Communon Certificates
ANNUAL FEE: $100 per student due upon receipt or if payment plan, by Jan. 31, 2025.
If you have more than one child attending the program, the registration fee for the second child is $90 (retreat fee not included). Payment plans are available; please contact the parish office. Full payments must be received by January 2025.
Payments made after January 31, 2025 will incur an additional $25 late fee per student.